The following is a tutorial for building a large language model from the English Gigaword Fifth Edition corpus LDC2011T07 using SRILM. English text is provided from seven different sources.
The Gigaword corpus has to be stripped of all SGML tags and tokenized. Instructions for performing those steps are not included in this documentation. A description of this process can be found in a paper called “Annotated Gigaword”.
The Joshua package ships with a script that converts all alphabetical
characters to their lowercase equivalent. The script is located at
Make a directory structure as follows:
├── corpus/
│ ├── afp_eng/
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── counts/
│ ├── apw_eng/
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── counts/
│ ├── cna_eng/
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── counts/
│ ├── ltw_eng/
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── counts/
│ ├── nyt_eng/
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── counts/
│ ├── wpb_eng/
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── counts/
│ └── xin_eng/
│ ├── ...
│ └── counts/
└── lm/
├── afp_eng/
├── apw_eng/
├── cna_eng/
├── ltw_eng/
├── nyt_eng/
├── wpb_eng/
└── xin_eng/
The next step will be to build smaller LMs and then interpolate them into one file.
Run the following script once from each source directory under the corpus/
directory (edit it to specify the path to the ngram-count
binary as well as
the number of processors):
for source in *.gz; do
args=$args"-sort -order 5 -text $source -write counts/$source-counts.gz "
echo $args | xargs --max-procs=4 -n 7 $NGRAM_COUNT
Then move each counts/
directory to the corresponding directory under
. Now that each ngram has been counted, we can make a language
model for each of the seven sources.
SRILM includes a script, called make-big-lm
, for building large language
models under resource-limited environments. The manual for this script can be
read online
Since the Gigaword corpus is so large, it is convenient to use make-big-lm
even in environments with many parallel processors and a lot of memory.
Initiate the following script from each of the source directories under the
directory (edit it to specify the path to the make-big-lm
script as
well as the pruning threshold):
set -x
$CMD \
-name gigalm `for k in counts/*.gz; do echo " \
-read $k "; done` \
-lm lm.gz \
-max-per-file 100000000 \
-order 5 \
-kndiscount \
-interpolate \
-unk \
The language model attributes chosen are the following:
Next, we will mix the models together into a single file.
Using development text, interpolation weights can determined that give highest weight to the source language models that have the lowest perplexity on the specified development set.
Initiate the following script from the lm/
directory (edit it to specify the
path to the ngram
binary as well as the path to the development text file):
set -x
dirs=( afp_eng apw_eng cna_eng ltw_eng nyt_eng wpb_eng xin_eng )
for d in ${dirs[@]} ; do
$NGRAM -debug 2 -order 5 -unk -lm $d/lm.gz -ppl $DEV_TEXT > $d/lm.ppl ;
compute-best-mix */lm.ppl > best-mix.ppl
Take a look at the contents of best-mix.ppl
. It will contain a sequence of
values in parenthesis. These are the interpolation weights of the source
language models in the order specified. Copy and paste the values within the
parenthesis into the script below.
Initiate the following script from the lm/
directory (edit it to specify the
path to the ngram
binary as well as the interpolation weights):
set -x
DIRS=( afp_eng apw_eng cna_eng ltw_eng nyt_eng wpb_eng xin_eng )
LAMBDAS=(0.00631272 0.000647602 0.251555 0.0134726 0.348953 0.371566 0.00749238)
$NGRAM -order 5 -unk \
-lm ${DIRS[0]}/lm.gz -lambda ${LAMBDAS[0]} \
-mix-lm ${DIRS[1]}/lm.gz \
-mix-lm2 ${DIRS[2]}/lm.gz -mix-lambda2 ${LAMBDAS[2]} \
-mix-lm3 ${DIRS[3]}/lm.gz -mix-lambda3 ${LAMBDAS[3]} \
-mix-lm4 ${DIRS[4]}/lm.gz -mix-lambda4 ${LAMBDAS[4]} \
-mix-lm5 ${DIRS[5]}/lm.gz -mix-lambda5 ${LAMBDAS[5]} \
-mix-lm6 ${DIRS[6]}/lm.gz -mix-lambda6 ${LAMBDAS[6]} \
-write-lm mixed_lm.gz
The resulting file, mixed_lm.gz
is a language model based on all the text in
the Gigaword corpus and with some probabilities biased to the development text
specify in step 3-1. It is in the ARPA format. The optional next step converts
it into KenLM format.
The KenLM format has some speed advantages over the ARPA format. Issuing the
following command will write a new language model file mixed_lm-kenlm.gz
is the mixed_lm.gz
language model transformed into the KenLM format.
$JOSHUA/src/joshua/decoder/ff/lm/kenlm/build_binary mixed_lm.gz mixed_lm.kenlm